Wednesday, January 12, 2011


it is my burfday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a VERY BIG n GREAT thankz n love kpd semua kwan2 ^o^
buat surprise party tuk aku.. hehehe... x sangke giler..
ingatkn just small planning on gather ramai2 tuk kuar ke jusco terchenta...
maklumlah.. mmg dah lme giler x kuar ramai2 =D
sabar semua tunggu bas... hahaha.. mmg banyak gimikzzz..
Jun dah post kt blog die pasal burfday aku awal2 lgi.. hahaha..
thankz JUN!!!
korunk mmg the BEST =D

sabar tunggu bas ye kawan2 =D
credit to wahida sbb phone ade camera 5 mega pixel!!!

gelak ketawa sementara tunggu makanan irfan n kema smpai..
masing2 dah kebulur =D

ni HA!!! kek!! yeyeyeye..... wahida yg pilih =D best roommate =D
nmpk pon dah terliur ^o^

for the first time!!! makan kek gune sudu!! best giler!!! berebut semua =D

eheheheh.... sila makan semua!!!!!!!!! jemput makan baby, jun, kema, irfan, wahida, mek n fatimah!!!!!!!!!
enjoy2!!! korunk yg bayar kn.. sedap nyer!!!!

syukur x terhingga sbb ade kwn2 cam korunk...
banyak ragam, perangai, habits, hahaha
name pon kawan =D
semoga semua bahagia n sentiasa dalam rahmat dan redha-Nya
remember => color ur life with beautiful colorful rainbow
may Allah bless u all
a very very very big n great hug to all =D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


it is doesn't matter as long as i'm hepi...

hepi 4 what???
it is does matter...
don't care to what people said...
don't care to what people saw...
don't care to what they though...
don't care to what they have and i haven't...
it is all doesn't matter!!

do what u want.. let it be between u n HIM
it is doesn't matter to them.. BUT it is does matter to HIM
the ONE that know deep inside my heart.. deep inside my mind.. my desire.. my life.. past, now n ever...

life becomes tougher,
belief n trust must be firmly n strongly hold..

be strong syiQin~~~
coz syiQin do hates tear
coz syiQin do hates tear!!!
let it be... KEEP it in deep inside ur heart
never let them know...
biar syiQin yg cedera.. bukan mereka..
be strong =D
remember ^_^
color ur life with beautiful colorful rainbows...
rain comes first b4 rainbow..
that colorful rainbow

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


even not first january... 5 january.... plan 4 thiz year kene ade!!
dah set azam thun bru SINCE awal thun

all of sudden.. once dgr word "azam" trus terigt kt my cousin
haha... boy, ur name quite famous ey =D
even azam thun lepas blum tercapai... NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!
use my time to the fullest.... and live my life as maximum as i could

byk bende yg kene settle thiz year..
sooo many thingzzzz...

everyone have their own wishes... klu budak2 yg bru merangkak, nk berlari thun ni!!!
bagi yg tgh belajar, nk dpt result yg gempak n marvelous thiz year!!!
still working?? x sabar nk tunggu naek pangkat n poket x mau kering!!!
ade jugak yg still mencari erti hidup =D
yup!! mmg semua org (InsyaAllah) wanna have a happy n better life..
even yg buat jahat pon.... pengedar dadah contohnye??? sure nk more customer thiz year T_T
tpi kene ingat... mane dtgnye rezeki tu... ape maknenye nk "BeTTer liFe"??? baik ATAU buruk tindakan kite tu??? baikkah kite klu x de syukur pada nikmat Allah?? baikkah kite klu selalu apla dan lupa atau buat2 lupe??? there are soo many things yg perlu kite cerminkn...
reflect ur act to what u want... cukup ke usaha yg dibuat??? ikhlas ke ape yg dibuat??
byk persoalan yg berPEstA kt kepale nih.. haihh... pusing2 @_@

juzt!! wanna share nk though =D
have a happy n nice day!!!!!!!!!!!
gune tulang berape kerat pon x kesah lah... to achieve ur dreams...
it's no more dreams once u got it =D
selamat merangka azam thun baru!!!!!!!!! (^_^)
"color ur life with beautiful colorful rainbow"....
fly HiGH!!!! n NEvEr GivE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the best!!!
WELCOME 2011 sayonara 2010... the experience of 2010 will be a lead to 2011...

live well or live hell???
i'm choose

a road not taken 0_o

Monday, January 3, 2011


peristiwa DeCemBer belum berakhir… last 16 dec is my burfday…

haha… wink2 (^o^)

bangun dri tidur je…. Ade bungkusan hadiah atas kepale…

just stare at the gift for few moments..

excited x teringat.. x cuci muke apatah lagi gosok gigi.. trus bukak adiah..

seronok sangat.. wink2 (^o^)

aSYiqIn pakai HaNdBag?? 0_o

just 19!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

sooo many story to be shared!!!!!!!

dalam percaya atau tidak... terlalu banyak peristiwa penting yg berlaku last holiday =D
things happened which change my life or others..

first of all... my ALONG got married!!!
ALONG da kawen?? macam x percaya...

"hidup rumah tangga ni kene banyak tolak ansur, banyak hati yg kene di jaga, bukan dua hati, tapi dua keluarga.... bukan keluarga kecik.. tpi 2 keluarga yg BESAR. banyak yg kene belajar dalam menguruskan rumah tangga.. tanggungjawab tu BESAR... kene banyak2 bersabar" =D pesanan mak ngan abah...

aku yg dgr ni pulak meremang... huhu... penangan along la ni =D

along anad nikah.. happened on 4 dec =D

soo sweet....

mak, along, kak aza n abah

cup cakes yg sangat2 comel =D